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Catherine Fish's Fun Flying Companion Seminar
- Attendee's will learn:
- What really makes an airplane fly?
- Why you should carry a giant purse or bag when you are the passenger?
- How to figure out what all that stuff is in the cockpit.
- What do all those instruments say?
- Secret strategy for determining what the airplane is really doing;
The Magic Dot.
- How to tell if your pilot is uncoordinated.
- Having fun with aviation maps.
- What to do if your pilot faints.
- How to talk on the radio to get what you need.
- Best of all, Cathe's Three Simple Steps to an easy landing.
Lots of answers to the attendees many questions.
Global Positioning System: Magic Box or Pandora's Box?
Cathe' Fish's program: GPS: Magic Box or Pandora's' Box? does more than present how handheld and panelmount GPS units work. Cathe' teaches practical GPS skills and the common pitfalls of navigation for both the novice and the expert user.
The majority of pilots make use of GPS for direct, point-to-point, navigation. GPS can do much, much more for pilots. Those who attend this program will learn how to use GPS as a serious tool for IFR and VFR flying. Anyone considering the purchase of GPS equipment will learn about the major differences between brands as well as the features to be expected in future models.
Pilots who have attended Cathe's program claim that the time went by too fast. Many comment that they can listen to Cathe' all day. (That's how good she is.) Her captivating and motivating speaking style, along with her humor, makes this program a one-of-a-kind in the industry.
GPS course length: two to four hours.
Attendees will learn:
- How GPS works
- Keeping the "Big Picture" with GPS navigation
- How GPS technology aids the pilot
- Handheld vs. panelmount units
- Staying safe and legal with VFR and IFR GPS receivers
- Tricks for obtaining direct clearances with GPS
- Flying GPS approaches
- Human factors and GPS usage
- Answers to pilot questions
Program Topics
Catherine Fish's Fun Flying Companion Seminar
Flying Companion Course - 4 hours
IFR Refresher - 2 to 6 hours
Single Pilot IFR - 1.5 to 2 hours
New Technology and the 21st Century Pilot - 1 hour to 1.5 hours
GPS for the General Aviation Pilot - 1 to 2 hours
GPS/WAAS for VFR pilots - 1 hour to 2 hours
GPS/WAAS for IFR pilots - 1.5 to 2 hours
Avoiding Spatial Disorientation - 1hour
Aeronautical Decision Making - 1hour
Aviation Stress Management - 1 hour
Crew Resource Management - 1 hour
Part 61 Regs - 1 hour to 2 hours
Surviving in Today's Airspace - 1 hour
Catherine (Cathe') Fish
GPS, Flying Companion Seminar

Cathe' Fish has taught motivating and entertaining aviation safety courses in all fifty of the United States and Europe. She is a seventeen-year National Accident Prevention Counselor. Flying since 1973, she is a certified single-engine, multi-engine and instrument flight instructor. Her 6,000 hours of flight time include flying for acommuter airline, flying as a USDA contract pilot and teaching 300 students how to fly. Cathe' was the Professor of Aviation Technology at Cochise College for five years. She has been one of the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's favorite lead instructors for seventeen years, teaching four hundred Flight Instructor Revalidation Clinics, one hundred Pitch Hitter Seminars and many other safety programs. Cathe's Flying Companion and Advance Flying Companion seminars repeatedly receive rave reviews. She challenges flight instructors in her Become a 21st Century Flight Instructor program. Expert in the latest GPS technology, pilots are eager to fully realize their investments with her Practical Hands-On GPS Program. This four-hour program brings welcome relief and confidence to pilots wanting to fill this void in their technical knowledge. Cathe' amazes pilots at how quickly she makes time seem to fly by with her other fast-paced, lively programs, Decision Making, Judgment Training, Risk Management and Human Factors.
Catherine Fish's Fun Flying Companion Seminar is just as it says, a lot of fun. She relates well to the right-seater, who often is a female. The attendees immediately feel at ease with her because of the non threatening, open atmosphere she creates. Cathe' presents the lessons in easy to understand language which makes the attendees quickly feel more at home in the cockpit. She encourages and coaxes questions from the timid. Even those attending at the urging of their pilot partner are soon engaged by Cathe's playful style. The flying companions leave her classroom full of enthusiasm and committed to learn more about flying. Some of those initially reluctant students, after taking her course, go on to obtain their own pilots license.