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Why Work With the Aviation Speakers Bureau?

The Aviation Speakers Bureau features keynote speakers, motivational speakers and inspirational speakers for seminars, conventions, banquet, conference, trade show, educational seminar, keynote, forum, corporate event, airshow, safety program or association meeting. We will help you find the perfect aviation speaker for your budget and there is never a charge for our services.

Our Services Cost You Nothing

Just as the airlines pay your travel agent at no charge to you, speakers pay us at no charge to you. Speakers do it because it’s good business—we handle all the details. It is very difficult for a busy keynote speakers, motivational speaker and inspirational speaker to return your calls when traveling between speaking engagements. It is even harder for them to promptly mail demo tapes and press kits. They know that if they are a good aviation speaker, we will sing their praises. 












We Understand the Market

The speaking business is our full-time and only business. We know which speakers fit your group, your function and your budget. We know the idiosyncrasies of each presenter (Yes, all speakers have them), and can guarantee there will be no surprises.

We Handle Emergencies

These possibilities haunt meeting planners. Flights do get canceled (our aviation speakers always have back-up flights), roads do get iced and a speaker could get sick. This is when we really shine. All of our resources, our knowledge and our contacts can be put together to find a replacement keynote speakers, motivational speakers and inspirational speakers ASAP. 

We Are Members of The International Group of Agencies & Bureaus

Through our hundreds of associates worldwide, we can provide you with just about any speaker your heart desires (and budget can bear). One of our agents served as IGAB’s Chairman of Leadership and Ethics for two years. We are very attentive to clients concerns.

We Have A Lot of Clout With Speakers

You may hire a speaker once every few years. We may hire that same speaker a dozen times a year. If you hire a speaker directly, they will work hard to please you. Hire the same speaker through us, and they will work doubly hard to please both of us. It makes a difference! 

We Do All the Dirty Work

You can spend a great deal of time sifting through brochures and other propaganda in search of the perfect keynote speakers, motivational speakers and inspirational speakers. We provide a perfect match for your needs and objectives. Even if you found the speaker, your job is only half done. You'll spend more time telling all the other speakers why you didn't hire them! We do that for you. 

Accuracy in Selection Allows You to Relax 

You may have sat through presentations where a root canal would have been preferred. There is nothing worse than the realization, usually in the first five minutes of a presentation, that the speaker is an Elmer Fudd clone. The next thirty minutes will seem like the longest in your life. Some dreadfully dull speakers have spent thousands on promotional materials to make themselves look good. How can you know for sure? We have previewed our speakers and we know their qualifications. We maintain a reference library with audio and video tapes from many of our speakers to help you in your selection. No pig-in-a-poke when working with The Aviation Speakers Bureau. 

Click here for a full list of our speakers, motivational speakers and keynote speakers.

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